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Sexual Misconduct

New Army Combat Fitness Test: 84% of Women Fail
In December 2015, former Defense Secretary Ashton Carter overturned policy and authorized women to serve in direct ground combat ( infantry ) units.  These are the fighting teams that attack the enemy with deliberate offensive action – missions beyond the experience of being... Read More
03 Nov 19
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct, Training Standards & Health
Are Military Social Experiments Increasing Sexual...
The Defense Department’s attempts to reduce sexual assaults in the military have failed.  Annual reports tracking numbers of actual assaults on women and men show that the problem is getting worse every year with no end in sight. Read More
10 Sep 19
Tags Sexual Misconduct, Women in the Military
Congress Shares Blame for Photo-Sharing Scandal
On March 15,  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand  of New York hauled in Marine Commandant  General Robert Neller , lambasting him for the red-hot  Marines United  Internet photo-sharing scandal.  She was not alone in expressing outrage that 30,000 members of the limited access... Read More
23 Mar 17
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct
Exploiting Sexual Assault in the Military
Military Women Don't Need Magic-Wand Law The following article by CMR President Elaine Donnelly was published in the  Washington Times  Commentary section on January 15, 2015. The new Senate will have many national security and defense issues to deal with in 2015, but indulging... Read More
30 Jan 15
Tags Congress/Legislation, Sexual Misconduct
Problematic Proposals in National Defense Authorization...
The pending  National Defense Authorization Act for  FY 2015 includes elements that are problematic and needlessly disruptive to our military.  Provisions of concern to the  Center for Military Readiness , which should be reconsidered, are excerpted here:  Read More
01 Dec 14
Tags Congress/Legislation, Sexual Misconduct, Women in the Military
Allen West Questions Senators Paul and Cruz on Support...
Iraq war veteran and former congressman  Col. Allen West  (R-FL) has criticized  Senators Rand Paul  (R-KY) and  Ted Cruz  (R-TX) for supporting controversial  legislation that would create a  new  independent system  of military... Read More
11 Aug 13
Tags Congress/Legislation, Judicial/Legal Matters, Sexual Misconduct
Sexual Assaults and Cultural Confusion in the Military's...
You know things are bad when the Chief of Staff of the Army,  General Raymond Odierno , issues a statement to the troops declaring that  "the fight against sexual assault and sexual harassment is our primary mission." [1]   Read More
02 Jun 13
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct
Pentagon Social Policies Increase Military Sexual Assaults
The  Center for Military Readiness  has released a new  CMR Policy Analysis  that shines a bright light on disturbing findings about military sexual assaults that were buried in a recent  Army  "Gold Book"  report on wartime personnel stress: Read More
18 Apr 12
Tags Sexual Misconduct, Women in the Military
Kennedy Smears Military in Pursuit of “Hate Crimes” Bill
We have heard a lot about Rush Limbaugh ‘s alleged insult about “phony soldiers,” but almost nothing about a genuine attack against our soldiers that was launched on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Read More
09 Oct 07
Tags Sexual Misconduct
Sexual assaults occur in the military as well as the civilian world. There is nothing in civilian society, however, which duplicates the incomprehensible reaction of military officials who lose all perspective when dealing with this problem. Read More
04 Sep 06
Tags Sexual Misconduct
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