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Posted on Jun 11, 2024 Print this Article

Issue 77: June 2024

Have you noticed how many people are talking about wokeness in our military? 

Thanks to the new book by longtime friend Pete Hegseth, The War on Warriors, America is becoming painfully aware that our military is in serious trouble.

What can we do about it? This edition of CMR E-Notes suggests three things you can do right now:

  • Contact your members of Congress and ask them to support sound amendments to the defense bill that are challenging wokeism in the military. For a preliminary list of all military/social issues both the House and Senate will be voting on this week, see CMR’s first Interim Report Summary (below) reporting on the annual defense bill for 2025.
  • Send a generous tax-deductible contribution to the Center for Military Readiness so that we can continue our work. CMR pushes back on the full range of military/social issues that take progressive wokeism to extremes. And we really need your help.
  • Read the just-released best-selling book by longtime CMR Friend and Fox News host Pete Hegseth, titled The War on Warriors.

Here's a win-win offer! If you make a tax-deductible contribution of $150 to CMR’s campaign to expose and defeat the Pentagon’s Diversity Industrial Complex, CMR will send you a copy of Pete Hegseth’s new book, The War on Warriors.

Pete’s book puts the spotlight on what is happening to our military, while CMR’s comprehensive body of work further explains why the problems he describes are happening.

Your contribution will help CMR to keep you informed on what must be done to restore the strength of the only military we have.

What Is Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free?

Pete Hegseth answers that question with stories featuring many of the people, events, and issues that CMR has been reporting on since our founding in 1993.

While CMR was constantly reporting on and analyzing catastrophic mistakes that Pentagon officials were making – first in the name of “political correctness” and now in pursuit of “Diversity as a strategic imperative,” Army National Guard Major Hegseth was an infantry soldier who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.

Pete’s book tells personal stories from his own experiences and those of colleagues who have been deliberately harmed by wokeism in our military. Their voices are loud, clear, and they need to be heard and respected.

Pete’s timely book calls on Congress to use its constitutional power to make sound policy for our military – before it is too late.

Civilians control our military, and all Americans are responsible for policies under which our men and women in uniform will live and sometimes die.

What is Congress doing to fix problems in our military that are tearing it apart?

For answers, consider CMR’s first Interim Report Summary on the progress of many proposals and amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2025:

Interim Report Summary: National Defense Authorization Act for 2025

Click on the Summary above and take action on the issues that concern you the most. Issues currently before the House Rules Committee prior to floor votes this week include military/social issues that are in the news constantly:

  • Meritocracy & Non-Discrimination
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)
  • Critical Race Theory (CRT)
  • Abortion/Travel/Reproductive Rights & Technology
  • LGBT/Transgender Treatments & Surgeries
  • Policies Affecting Military Women
  • COVID-19 Mandates
  • Parents Rights/DoD Education Activity (DoDEA) Schools
  • Climate Change Mandates & Electric Vehicles

The Senate Armed Services Committee also is meeting behind closed doors this week, beginning the process of writing the Senate’s draft NDAA for 2025, which will be consolidated with the House version later this year.

What You Can Do

The House Rules Committee will work its way through the list above to determine measures that are “in order” for a floor vote this week – some as soon as tomorrow. 

Note that the Interim Report Summary also lists amendments that would be harmful to our military, sponsored by members of Congress who assign priority to ideological goals such as “diversity, equity, & inclusion” (DEI), “critical race theory” (CRT), and other woke programs that divide and demoralize the troops while weakening military readiness.

Please take a moment to call or write your member of Congress and U.S. Senators to ask a simple question: What are you doing to support our troops by ending wokeism in the military?

  • You can reach both Congressmen and Senators at the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. at this number: 202/224-3121. Every call is counted – let them know (respectfully) that you expect action to end wokeism in the military now.
  • Americans who are concerned about the state of our military also should contact their own member of Congress and U.S. Senators by calling the U.S. Capitol: 202/224-3121, or by sending messages through their Senate or House websites.

CMR has been researching, analyzing, and reporting on wide variety of issues, providing valuable information to Congress and encouraging progress since January:

CMR Challenge to Congress – For Our Military Let’s Do More in 2024

The Center for Military Readiness appreciates support from like-minded groups, but since our founding CMR has been the only organization following the full range of military/social issues in all branches of the service, full time.

Now we need your help to continue reporting, analyzing, influencing and pushing back against the War on Warriors, which Pete Hegseth’s book has spotlighted so well.

These issues must be addressed – And pressure must grow and be heard across the land.

If you would like to participate on all fronts, please Take Action right now.

All contributions are greatly appreciated, but in return for a generous donation of $150 or more, CMR will send a copy of Pete Hegseth’s best-selling book, The War on Warriors, a $30 value.

To send a tax-deductible gift to CMR, using our secure webpage, please click here.

If you prefer to send your tax-deductible gift to CMR by mail, please send it to: Center for Military Readiness, P. O. Box 51600, Livonia, MI 48151.

Many thanks for your help in supporting our troops in this unique field of public policy. With your help and much-needed contributions, CMR will be issuing more reports soon.

-Elaine Donnelly

Posted on Jun 11, 2024 Print this Article