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Issue 78: July 2024
House Pushes Back Against Wokeism in Defense Bill NDAA - CMR Interim Report No. 2 I am pleased to send you this original CMR Feature Article on our web site, which provides essential information about military/social issues in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2025:   Read More
01 Jul 24
Issue 77: June 2024
Have you noticed how many people are talking about wokeness in our military? Thanks to the new book by longtime friend Pete Hegseth , The War on Warriors , America is becoming painfully aware that our military is in serious trouble. Read More
11 Jun 24
Issue 76: May 2024
The week between Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day is a good time to renew support for our CMR Challenge to Congress – For Our Military Let’s Do More in 2024 .   Writing of the defense bill begins soon, and CMR has been communicating our concerns to Congress for months.... Read More
21 May 24
Issue 75: January 2024
The beginning of this New Year is a great time to review and analyze what was accomplished last year and to consider ways to build on progress made. Even in the face of strong opposition from the Biden Administration and progressive Democrat leaders in Congress, the House version of the... Read More
15 Jan 24
Issue 74: September 2023
Republicans exceeded expectations during the process of writing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2024 , and this is good news for our military.  This 4-page CMR Policy Analysis highlights many positive measures that are incorporated in the pending House and Senate versions... Read More
27 Sep 23
Issue 73: August 2023
This edition of CMR E-Notes provides the latest news about many positive provisions in the House and Senate versions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2024 .  These provisions, highlighted below, would investigate, mitigate, or eliminate wokeism in the military... Read More
07 Aug 23
Issue 72: June 2023
This edition of CMR E-Notes provides promising news and detailed information about ongoing efforts to restore non-discrimination and meritocracy in the military. Read More
19 Jun 23
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health
Issue 71: May 2023
This edition of CMR E-Notes provides a promising progress report. The Biden Administration is getting more radical by the day, but the 118 th Congress is stepping up to confront several major issues on the CMR Challenge to Congress for 2023 list that we published in January. Read More
09 May 23
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity
Issue 70: February 2023
This edition of CMR E-Notes breaks new ground with original research, reporting, and analysis of issues that have turned the All-Volunteer Force into today’s “woke” military.  In January CMR took the lead with a Challenge to Congress for 2023 , which was well... Read More
25 Feb 23
Issue 69: August 2022
This edition of CMR E-Notes is jam-packed with news and analysis of what is happening with our “woke” military and congressional efforts to stop it.  “Draft Our Daughters” is back again and it is a major problem that must be removed from the pending annual... Read More
18 Aug 22
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