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White House/Pentagon

Is Something Beyond Abortion Fueling Rage Against Sen....
Sen. Tommy Tuberville is standing firm in his determination to stop Defense Department travel subsidies for abortions.  Pushback is not surprising, but the vitriol being aimed at the Alabama Republican suggests that the controversy involves more than abortion.  Under existing law,... Read More
22 Sep 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Gen. Charles Q. Brown, New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...
It is rare to see a Defense Department nominee drawing as much opposition, based on his record , as Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.   has received.  Nevertheless, on September 20, Gen. Clark was confirmed to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on an 83-11 vote. ... Read More
21 Sep 23
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Lt. Gen. Richard Trefry -- A Remembrance
CMR suffered a great loss on February 25, when retired Army Lt. Gen. Richard Trefry, 98, passed away peacefully at home in the company of his beloved wife “Jacque.”   When I organized CMR in 1993, following my time on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of... Read More
04 Jun 23
Tags White House/Pentagon
DEI Executive Order Expands Diversity Industrial Complex
On February 16, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14091 – a sweeping mandate that pushes “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) mandates to unprecedented extremes. As CMR has explained in this Policy Analysis , EO 14091 , titled “Further Advancing... Read More
15 Apr 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Demographic Diversity Metrics, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Biden Pentagon Quietly Expands Woke Transgender Policies...
Not surprisingly, in his 2023 State of the Union speech, President Joe Biden glossed over matters of national defense.  Not counting outstanding performance by our men and women in uniform, several national security fiascos – including the Administration’s inept response... Read More
15 Feb 23
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, White House/Pentagon
Why Congress Should Defeat Defense Bill Unless “Draft Our...
The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has approved their version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2023 , and the full House has passed their version of the annual NDAA (H.R. 7900) , 329-101 on July 13.  The full Senate will vote on the annual... Read More
26 Jul 22
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Selective Service Implications, White House/Pentagon, Women in the Military
People Are Policy: Three Pentagon Nominees Who Do Not...
On February 17, the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) interviewed four nominees for high-level positions at the Department of Defense .  The Center for Military Readiness is concerned about three: Mr. Ravi Chaudhary , Mr. Franklin R. Parker , and Ms. Agnes Gereben Schaefer... Read More
07 Mar 22
Tags Congress/Legislation, White House/Pentagon
CMR Challenge: Strengthen Our Military – Secure American...
When historians write about the effectiveness of our military after the Biden/Harris  Administration ’s inept retreat from Afghanistan , the year 2022 will be seen as a turning point.  Either the armed forces will continue to bear heavy burdens of “woke”... Read More
11 Jan 22
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Why Is James Mattis Leading Military Officers Opposing...
“Liberal activists are using the critical words of former Secretary of Defense James Mattis in a concerted campaign to replace President Donald J. Trump with former Vice President Joe Biden.  Full-page Sunday newspapers quoting Mattis are running in swing states, raising money to... Read More
12 Oct 20
Tags White House/Pentagon
Keep “Woke” Ideology Out of the Department of Defense
Imagine this: The streets of Army bases or the decks of Navy ships are painted with large yellow letters saluting the controversial organization, “ Black Lives Matter. ”  At the Army/Navy game, players take a knee instead of saluting the flag. At all the military service... Read More
19 Aug 20
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
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