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DEI, CRT, & Woke-ism in the Military

CMR Statement to DoD: Reassess and Revoke Harmful DEI...
The Center for Military Readiness (CMR) has submitted a formal statement to the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity & Inclusion (DACODAI) , one of several Pentagon committees that advocate for race-conscious “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mandates. Read More
16 Apr 24
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
Is Something Beyond Abortion Fueling Rage Against Sen....
Sen. Tommy Tuberville is standing firm in his determination to stop Defense Department travel subsidies for abortions.  Pushback is not surprising, but the vitriol being aimed at the Alabama Republican suggests that the controversy involves more than abortion.  Under existing law,... Read More
22 Sep 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Gen. Charles Q. Brown, New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...
It is rare to see a Defense Department nominee drawing as much opposition, based on his record , as Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.   has received.  Nevertheless, on September 20, Gen. Clark was confirmed to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on an 83-11 vote. ... Read More
21 Sep 23
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
DoD Reassigns School Official Kelisa Wing and Disbands...
After months of criticism of the philosophy and attitudes of Kelisa Wing – a self-identified “woke administrator” who was appointed to head the Diversity & Inclusion Office of Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools – the Department of... Read More
02 May 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity
DEI Executive Order Expands Diversity Industrial Complex
On February 16, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14091 – a sweeping mandate that pushes “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) mandates to unprecedented extremes. As CMR has explained in this Policy Analysis , EO 14091 , titled “Further Advancing... Read More
15 Apr 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Demographic Diversity Metrics, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
CMR Challenge for 2023: Woke-ism in Our Military
In January 2022, the Center for Military Readiness challenged Congress to oppose, change, or repeal “woke” policies in the military that are weakening morale and readiness, and to support sound priorities that would make our military stronger: Read More
07 Jan 23
Tags Demographic Diversity Metrics, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity
Critical Military Theory: Classic Principles Betrayed by...
A distinguished retired Marine three-star officer has written a superb commentary that should be required reading at the military service academies and in all levels of military education.    Read More
10 Feb 22
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
CMR Challenge: Strengthen Our Military – Secure American...
When historians write about the effectiveness of our military after the Biden/Harris  Administration ’s inept retreat from Afghanistan , the year 2022 will be seen as a turning point.  Either the armed forces will continue to bear heavy burdens of “woke”... Read More
11 Jan 22
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
“Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan” Will Weaken...
Within days of his Inauguration on January 20, President Joe Biden signed three executive orders to impose “woke” social policies on our military.  The U. S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM) responded with a 20-page Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan... Read More
22 Apr 21
Tags Demographic Diversity Metrics, Military Culture/Diversity
Babies on Board: Should Pregnant Pilots Fight Our Wars?
In August 1995, retired Navy officer Larry Di Rita wrote a satirical article imagining a Navy captain trying to cope with politically correct mandates.  “Reflections on a Naval Career” was edgy, but the Naval Institute’s Proceedings magazine published it... Read More
29 Mar 21
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
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