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CMR Statement to DoD: Reassess and Revoke Harmful DEI...
The Center for Military Readiness (CMR) has submitted a formal statement to the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity & Inclusion (DACODAI) , one of several Pentagon committees that advocate for race-conscious “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mandates. Read More
16 Apr 24
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
Why the DoD Should Drop DEI and Affirm Meritocracy in the...
For more than 30 years, mostly civilian social engineers have subjected America’s military to progressive experiments that are becoming more extreme.  These include “diversity, equity, & inclusion” (DEI) mandates, which replace meritocracy with deliberate... Read More
15 Mar 24
NDAA for 2024: The Good, the Bad, and the Incomplete
In 2023 the 118 th Congress , partially under Republican control, incorporated many good ideas in initial drafts of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2024.  Final passage of House measures highlighted in CMR’s September Policy Analysis would have... Read More
05 Jan 24
Is Something Beyond Abortion Fueling Rage Against Sen....
Sen. Tommy Tuberville is standing firm in his determination to stop Defense Department travel subsidies for abortions.  Pushback is not surprising, but the vitriol being aimed at the Alabama Republican suggests that the controversy involves more than abortion.  Under existing law,... Read More
22 Sep 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Gen. Charles Q. Brown, New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...
It is rare to see a Defense Department nominee drawing as much opposition, based on his record , as Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.   has received.  Nevertheless, on September 20, Gen. Clark was confirmed to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on an 83-11 vote. ... Read More
21 Sep 23
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Congress Takes the Lead: How to Eliminate Wokeism in the...
America’s military is in trouble.  Extreme woke policies are  dividing  and demoralizing the troops and contributing to the ongoing recruiting  crisis , but Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden and many of his congressional allies don’t seem to care.   Enter... Read More
02 Aug 23
Tags Congress/Legislation
Congress Steps Up to End Wokeism in the Military Second...
Many indicators, such as chronic recruiting shortages , indicate that our military is in trouble.  Congress is responding by proposing legislation that will begin the process of investigating, mitigating, defunding, or eliminating wokeism in the military. The one-page CMR Challenge... Read More
17 Jul 23
Lt. Gen. Richard Trefry -- A Remembrance
CMR suffered a great loss on February 25, when retired Army Lt. Gen. Richard Trefry, 98, passed away peacefully at home in the company of his beloved wife “Jacque.”   When I organized CMR in 1993, following my time on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of... Read More
04 Jun 23
Tags White House/Pentagon
DoD Reassigns School Official Kelisa Wing and Disbands...
After months of criticism of the philosophy and attitudes of Kelisa Wing – a self-identified “woke administrator” who was appointed to head the Diversity & Inclusion Office of Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools – the Department of... Read More
02 May 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity
DEI Executive Order Expands Diversity Industrial Complex
On February 16, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14091 – a sweeping mandate that pushes “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) mandates to unprecedented extremes. As CMR has explained in this Policy Analysis , EO 14091 , titled “Further Advancing... Read More
15 Apr 23
Tags Congress/Legislation, Demographic Diversity Metrics, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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