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"Gender-Diverse" Army Ranger School? - Part I
Army Chief of Staff  General Raymond Odierno  surprised and dismayed infantry and  Special Operations Forces  veterans when he  announced  in May that he might send female officers to  Ranger  school.  Gen. Odierno did not claim that combat readiness... Read More
14 Aug 12
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
San Francisco Military on the March
During the 2010 debate about gays in the military, LGBT activists kept insisting they only wanted lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender personnel to serve quietly in the military − no special treatment. On the list of promises that Congress should not have believed, this was one of the... Read More
02 Aug 12
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity
Early Consequences of Military LGBT Law
In anticipation of  LGBT Equality  celebrations in the month of June, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered activists reportedly are working with the Defense Department to produce a report declaring "success" for President Obama's most valuable gift to his political base--repeal of the... Read More
02 Aug 12
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
"Diversity" for Women in Land Combat
Introduction The documents posted below provide factual information and historic context on the issue of military women in or near direct ground combat.  Current articles are posted in the Issues Research & Analysis Section of this website under "Women in the Military."... Read More
31 Jul 12
Tags Marine Corps Combat Arms, Other Countries, Selective Service Implications, Special Operations Forces, Training, Physiology, & Athletics
Marines Gathering Data Re: Women in Land Combat
Infantry Training "Test" Could be Misinterpreted in Drive for "Diversity" The  National Football League  does not pursue "diversity" by training female players for non-lethal combat on the gridiron. Even the best female athletes would not survive the grueling training and punishing... Read More
16 May 12
Tags Women in the Military
Congress Stands With the Troops on Marriage and Religious...
Strong Support for Palazzo, Akin, and Huelskamp Amendments On May 9, 2012, the  House Armed Services Committee (HASC)  approved two amendments to the  National Defense Authorization Act   (NDAA)  that would reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage and... Read More
15 May 12
Tags Congress/Legislation
LGB and Transgender Mandates
The documents posted below provide factual information and historic context on the issue of gays in the military. Text of the 1993 law,  Section 654, Title 10, U.S.C.   (Note that the law passed by Congress is not the same as the administrative policy, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell.")... Read More
09 May 12
Tags Army Combat Arms, Demographic Diversity Metrics
Choosing the Commander-in-Chief
Questions on Military/Social Issues  The  Center for Military Readiness  is non-partisan and does not endorse candidates.  However, in the interests of informing voters and the media of where the candidates stand on issues of concern, CMR has conducted presidential... Read More
04 May 12
Tags Selective Service Implications, Special Operations Forces, Training, Physiology, & Athletics
Pentagon Social Policies Increase Military Sexual Assaults
The  Center for Military Readiness  has released a new  CMR Policy Analysis  that shines a bright light on disturbing findings about military sexual assaults that were buried in a recent  Army  "Gold Book"  report on wartime personnel stress: Read More
18 Apr 12
Tags Sexual Misconduct, Women in the Military
Pentagon Pushes "Diversity" for Women in Land Combat
On February 9, the Department of Defense conducted a briefing to announce incremental plans to force military women into direct ground combat units such as Army and Marine infantry and Special Operations Forces. Read More
22 Feb 12
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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