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LGB & Transgender Mandates

Lessons Learned: Impact of DOMA Ruling on Military Families
In an article published in the  Washington Times , CMR President  Elaine Donnelly  highlighted the long-term consequences of the  Supreme Court's  failure to uphold the  Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) , which defined marriage as the bond of one man and one woman: Read More
05 Jul 13
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Judicial/Legal Matters
Legalizing LGBT Love in the Military
Military LGBT activists can hardly wait for the  Supreme Court  to declare the  Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)  unconstitutional.  Read More
07 Apr 13
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
Military Survey Reveals Signs of Trouble Among the Troops
Results of the annual 2013  Military Times Poll  of active-duty subscribers to the Gannett-owned  Army ,  Navy ,  Marine Corps  and  Air Force Times  newspapers, reveal political shifts and unresolved concerns about the consequences of social... Read More
02 Apr 13
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Women in the Military
Chuck Hagel − or Barney Frank − for Secretary of Defense?
When President Barack Obama first suggested that Chuck Hagel might be his choice for Secretary of Defense, some gay activists pledged to oppose the former senator because he is not sufficiently supportive of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) causes.  This gratuitous slap at... Read More
07 Jan 13
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
Congress Takes First Steps to Protect Religious Liberty...
Defense Authorization Codifies Protections for Chaplains − More Work Needed The  Center for Military Readiness  is pleased that the  National Defense Authorization Act for 2013   (NDAA)  includes a  new section of law  that reaffirms the constitutional... Read More
03 Jan 13
Tags Conscience Rights & Religious Freedom, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
West Point Raises Swords for Same-Sex Ceremony
Check off another prediction about the consequences of LGBT law − a policy that imposes the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender agenda on America's military.  Same-sex marriages on military bases became all-but inevitable when Congress rushed to repeal the 1993 law regarding gays in... Read More
04 Dec 12
Tags Conscience Rights & Religious Freedom, Families & Children, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
National Party Platforms Set Different Courses on...
"Peace Through Strength" vs. Obama World View National political platforms are important for the insight they provide into the character of party leaders who write and approve them.  In both substance and process, differences between the  Republican  and  Democratic... Read More
06 Sep 12
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Women in the Military
Republicans Adopt Solid Platform on Military/Social Issues
The 2012 Republican National Platform, titled  We Believe in America , includes this affirmation:  "We are the party of peace through strength."   The unequivocal statement is supported by a comprehensive platform section   "American Exceptionalism,"... Read More
05 Sep 12
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Women in the Military
Early Consequences of Military LGBT Law
In anticipation of  LGBT Equality  celebrations in the month of June, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered activists reportedly are working with the Defense Department to produce a report declaring "success" for President Obama's most valuable gift to his political base--repeal of the... Read More
02 Aug 12
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
San Francisco Military on the March
During the 2010 debate about gays in the military, LGBT activists kept insisting they only wanted lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender personnel to serve quietly in the military − no special treatment. On the list of promises that Congress should not have believed, this was one of the... Read More
02 Aug 12
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity
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