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Congress Deletes “Draft Our Daughters” from 2022 Defense...
Now that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2022 has been signed into law, conservatives can celebrate a significant, hard-fought victory against “Draft Our Daughters” provisions and several more bad ideas proposed during the 2021 legislative process. Read More
03 Jan 22
Tags Congress/Legislation
Provisions in both the Senate and House versions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2022 are unacceptable for reasons noted and analyzed below.  Because the most objectionable proposals would be virtually irreversible, this NDAA is different from any other and it... Read More
18 Oct 21
Tags Congress/Legislation, Selective Service Implications
Remove Blank Check “Draft Our Daughters” Mandate from...
The congressional debate about “Draft Our Daughters” legislation – whether Selective Service should include young women in registration for a possible future draft – has taken a new and disturbing turn. For clarity, consider President Joe Biden ’s unilateral... Read More
17 Sep 21
Tags Congress/Legislation
Senate and House Should Oppose Selective Service...
In 2016, ill-advised legislation to “Draft Our Daughters” by registering them with Selective Service on the same basis as men sparked a heated national debate.  The House of Representatives ultimately rejected a “Draft Our Daughters” amendment to the National... Read More
24 Jul 21
Tags Congress/Legislation, Selective Service Implications, Women in the Military
Supreme Court Denies Petition to Include Women in...
On June 7, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition for a writ of certiorari that the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) had filed to persuade the Court to declare the current Selective Service System unconstitutional.  Instead, the Supreme Court properly recognized that Congress ,... Read More
15 Jun 21
Tags Congress/Legislation, Judicial/Legal Matters, Selective Service Implications
“Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan” Will Weaken...
Within days of his Inauguration on January 20, President Joe Biden signed three executive orders to impose “woke” social policies on our military.  The U. S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM) responded with a 20-page Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan... Read More
22 Apr 21
Tags Demographic Diversity Metrics, Military Culture/Diversity
Babies on Board: Should Pregnant Pilots Fight Our Wars?
In August 1995, retired Navy officer Larry Di Rita wrote a satirical article imagining a Navy captain trying to cope with politically correct mandates.  “Reflections on a Naval Career” was edgy, but the Naval Institute’s Proceedings magazine published it... Read More
29 Mar 21
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
CMR Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief and Senate Armed...
The Center for Military Readiness, along with two additional public policy organizations, six retired  general officers, and an expert on physical fitness standards, have filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court of the United States , asking the SCOTUS to deny a petition... Read More
29 Mar 21
Tags Congress/Legislation, Judicial/Legal Matters
Will Defense Department “Stand-Downs” Push Extremism in...
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called for a worldwide “stand down” to address extremism in the ranks.  This is fine, but several questions come to mind.  Will the program target extremism on both ends of the political spectrum?  And how will the one-day events... Read More
17 Feb 21
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
Biden Presidency Begins with Injuries and Insults to the...
The newly inaugurated Biden/Harris Administration is off to a rocky start with military men and women.  Serious affronts have come from Congress as well as the White House , adding injuries to insults with even more damage on the way. Read More
25 Jan 21
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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