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Marines Set Sound Priorities: “Survivability and...
CMR Analyzes USMC Women in Combat Research Data: Part II  After four years of comprehensive  Marine Corps  research, results clearly show that the case for   women in direct ground combat still has not been made.  In fact, tests have produced highly credible,... Read More
13 Oct 15
Tags Women in the Military
Memo to Secretary Mabus: Marines Lives Matter
The following op-ed by CMR President  Elaine Donnelly  was published in the Washington Times Commentary section under the title  Marines Lives Matter  (Sept. 15, 2015) Read More
23 Sep 15
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Co-Ed Combat Tests Hazardous to Women’s Health
The  U.S. Army  has announced that for the first time ever, two female officers are about to graduate from the exceptionally tough, three-phase  Ranger Course .  The  Center for Military Readiness (CMR)  congratulates the still-unnamed  U.S. Military Academy... Read More
18 Aug 15
Tags Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Pentagon’s New Gender Order Takes “Diversity” to Extremes
In the classic TV series  “M*A*S*H*,”   Corp. Maxwell Klinger , played by  Jamie Farr , dressed in women’s clothes in hopes that he might be sent home from the  Korean War .  Decades later, Pentagon officials have embraced policies that might encourage... Read More
22 Jun 15
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
Israeli Defense Force Decides: Armored Tanks Will Stay...
While some American military leaders are preparing to order women into combat arms units such as the infantry by January 2016, the  Israeli Defense Force (IDF)  and the  British Ministry of Defence  (MOD) are moving in the opposite direction.  The Israeli and British... Read More
09 Jun 15
Tags Women in the Military
Military and Civilian Leaders Press Congress for...
The Issue is Oversight – Does Congress Care about Women in the Military? Nearly 100 distinguished retired military and civilian organization leaders have co-signed a  Military Culture Coalition (MCC)  letter expressing concerns about the lack of congressional oversight on... Read More
05 Jun 15
Tags Congress/Legislation, Women in the Military
New British Report Shreds Case for Women in Direct Ground...
The  British Ministry of Defence (MoD)  has released a new report on the issue of women in land combat titled: Read More
20 Feb 15
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
Exploiting Sexual Assault in the Military
Military Women Don't Need Magic-Wand Law The following article by CMR President Elaine Donnelly was published in the  Washington Times  Commentary section on January 15, 2015. The new Senate will have many national security and defense issues to deal with in 2015, but indulging... Read More
30 Jan 15
Tags Congress/Legislation, Sexual Misconduct
Problematic Proposals in National Defense Authorization...
The pending  National Defense Authorization Act for  FY 2015 includes elements that are problematic and needlessly disruptive to our military.  Provisions of concern to the  Center for Military Readiness , which should be reconsidered, are excerpted here:  Read More
01 Dec 14
Tags Congress/Legislation, Sexual Misconduct, Women in the Military
CMR Releases Interim Report on Marine Corps Research...
The  Interim CMR Special Report  reveals previously-undisclosed findings derived from research done since 2012, when former Defense Secretary  Leon Panetta  set in motion   incremental steps to repeal all of women's exemptions from direct ground combat units by... Read More
03 Oct 14
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon, Women in the Military
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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