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Is the Army Masking Deeper Recruiting Problems?
USA Today recently reported that certain psychological conditions and behavioral problems, such as depression, drug and alcohol abuse, bipolar disorder, and self-mutilation, would no longer disqualify recruits seeking to join the Army .  Pressures to induct 80,000 new soldiers, up... Read More
16 Nov 17
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
Trump’s Pro-Military Transgender Policy Sparks Media...
Sometimes, leadership happens while others are looking for excuses to do nothing.  So it was on July 26, when President Donald Trump launched three tweets calling for an end to radical transgender policies that President Barack Obama imposed on the military on his way out of office.... Read More
10 Aug 17
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, White House/Pentagon
Transgender Mandates Delayed but Still on Auto-Pilot
Late on Friday, June 30, Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced a six-month delay in implementation of an Obama Administration mandate to recruit transgenders into the military.  One year ago, Mattis’ predecessor Ashton Carter issued a unilateral directive ordering the... Read More
05 Jul 17
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Holdover Transgender Mandate Impedes Efforts to...
Military Times recently reported that LGBT activists are pushing hard to get the Trump Administration to fully embrace President Barack Obama’s orders to accommodate transgenders in the military. At the same time, a new Conservative Action Project (CAP) "Memo for the Movement,"... Read More
01 Jun 17
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
McCain/Obama Commission Empaneled to Promote “Draft...
As the Center for Military Readiness reported last December, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) used his power as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee to create a government-subsidized commission to promote his own long-favored causes at the expense of every young man and woman in... Read More
25 Apr 17
Tags Congress/Legislation, White House/Pentagon, Women in the Military
Congress Shares Blame for Photo-Sharing Scandal
On March 15,  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand  of New York hauled in Marine Commandant  General Robert Neller , lambasting him for the red-hot  Marines United  Internet photo-sharing scandal.  She was not alone in expressing outrage that 30,000 members of the limited access... Read More
23 Mar 17
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct
McCain Establishes National Commission Likely to Promote...
During a closed-door mark-up session of the Senate Armed Services Committee in May 2016, Chairman John McCain sponsored without prior notice a controversial provision for the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) .  If McCain’s “Draft America’s... Read More
16 Dec 16
Tags Congress/Legislation, Women in the Military
Defense Department Orders Acceptance of Gender Identity...
The Obama Administration has announced final plans to impose on the military the President’s most extreme social experiment yet: a policy regarding transgenders in the military that orders all personnel to deny scientific facts regarding human biology. Read More
28 Oct 16
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, White House/Pentagon
Female Marine Captain Asks President Obama a Question...
At the September 28 CNN Townhall meeting with President Barack Obama and a military group at Fort Lee, VA, Marine Capt. Lauren Serrano courageously asked a respectful but challenging question about women in direct ground combat.  Capt. Serrano’s question was accurate and appropriately... Read More
30 Sep 16
Tags Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
What Do Women Want? The Pentagon Doesn’t Care
What Do Female Olympians Know that the Pentagon Doesn’t? For years, feminists have insisted that military women couldn’t wait to be treated like men in “tip of the spear” direct ground combat units.  Now that their social experiment is underway, Pentagon... Read More
22 Aug 16
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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