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DEI, CRT, & Woke-ism in the Military

Army Pregnancy Training...for Men
On February 9 the Department of Defense announced incremental steps to implement a report advocating doctrinaire "diversity" in the military. Read More
21 Feb 12
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Members of Congress are demanding answers to their questions about scandalous behavior photographed at  Abu Ghraib  prison in Iraq.  “How could this happen?”  they ask. But this is not the first time that they have been warned about personal indiscipline and... Read More
18 May 04
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
The Suicide Sisterhood
Crown Prince Abdulla has arrived in Crawford, Texas, preceded by a media charm offensive and "Morning in Saudi Arabia" television commercials. The spots are beautifully produced, but not enough to obscure the haunting image, recently broadcast around the world, of a winsome five year-old girl... Read More
25 Apr 02
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
The following article addressed issues of military culture, as raised in an earlier article written by Sara Lister, who served as Army Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Personnel during the Clinton years. (In 1997, Ms. Lister caused great controversy by referring to the Marines as... Read More
04 Jan 02
Tags Military Culture/Diversity
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