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DEI, CRT, & Woke-ism in the Military

Holdover Transgender Mandate Impedes Efforts to...
Military Times recently reported that LGBT activists are pushing hard to get the Trump Administration to fully embrace President Barack Obama’s orders to accommodate transgenders in the military. At the same time, a new Conservative Action Project (CAP) "Memo for the Movement,"... Read More
01 Jun 17
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Congress Shares Blame for Photo-Sharing Scandal
On March 15,  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand  of New York hauled in Marine Commandant  General Robert Neller , lambasting him for the red-hot  Marines United  Internet photo-sharing scandal.  She was not alone in expressing outrage that 30,000 members of the limited access... Read More
23 Mar 17
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct
What Do Women Want? The Pentagon Doesn’t Care
What Do Female Olympians Know that the Pentagon Doesn’t? For years, feminists have insisted that military women couldn’t wait to be treated like men in “tip of the spear” direct ground combat units.  Now that their social experiment is underway, Pentagon... Read More
22 Aug 16
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
2016 Republican National Platform Rejects Social...
Since  President Barack Obama  took office in 2009, his administration has delivered on campaign promises to impose radical social agendas on our military.  The  Center for Military Readiness  is pleased to report that the  2016 Republican National Convention... Read More
27 Jul 16
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity
Secretary of Defense Stumbles into Transgender Legal Morass
On June 30, just before the end of  "LGBT Equality Month ,”   Secretary of Defense  Ashton Carter  announced that transgender individuals may serve openly in the military.  The news conference  transcript  reveals that Secretary Carter was oblivious to... Read More
06 Jul 16
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Training, Physiology, & Athletics
Congress Should Challenge Myths About Women, Combat, and...
Myths about gender equality in the military are starting to crumble under the pressure of actual experience.  Witness the recent  Associated Press report  that 6 of 7 female Marine recruits failed to qualify in training for direct ground combat assignments. Read More
26 Jun 16
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
Obama Administration Ignores Sound Military Advice on...
Yesterday,  President Barack Obama  and Secretary Carter overruled the best professional advice of the  U.S. Marine Corps  in matters involving life, death, and national security.  Secretary Carter also broke his own promise to base his decision on the quality of... Read More
04 Dec 15
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
CMR Releases New Interim Special Report – Part II
The  Center for Military Readiness  has released a new two-section, 38-page   Interim CMR Special Report   that analyzes recently-released results of  U.S. Marine Corps  research done on the subject of  Women in Direct Ground Combat . Read More
01 Dec 15
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon, Women in the Military
Memo to Secretary Mabus: Marines Lives Matter
The following op-ed by CMR President  Elaine Donnelly  was published in the Washington Times Commentary section under the title  Marines Lives Matter  (Sept. 15, 2015) Read More
23 Sep 15
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Pentagon’s New Gender Order Takes “Diversity” to Extremes
In the classic TV series  “M*A*S*H*,”   Corp. Maxwell Klinger , played by  Jamie Farr , dressed in women’s clothes in hopes that he might be sent home from the  Korean War .  Decades later, Pentagon officials have embraced policies that might encourage... Read More
22 Jun 15
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
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