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DEI, CRT, & Woke-ism in the Military

New British Report Shreds Case for Women in Direct Ground...
The  British Ministry of Defence (MoD)  has released a new report on the issue of women in land combat titled: Read More
20 Feb 15
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, Women in the Military
CMR Releases Interim Report on Marine Corps Research...
The  Interim CMR Special Report  reveals previously-undisclosed findings derived from research done since 2012, when former Defense Secretary  Leon Panetta  set in motion   incremental steps to repeal all of women's exemptions from direct ground combat units by... Read More
03 Oct 14
Tags Congress/Legislation, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon, Women in the Military
The Marines and General Mundy -- The Rest of the Story
On Saturday, April 12, I was privileged to attend the  Military Tribute  at the  Marine Corps Memorial  near  Arlington National Cemetery  honoring  General Carl E. Mundy, Jr. , the 30th Commandant, who died on April 2. Read More
16 Apr 14
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity
The Marines and General Mundy
General Carl E. Mundy, Jr., the 30th Commandant, was a man of character, a mentor, and a good  friend I've known since 1994.  On April 2 he died peacefully at home, surrounded by family, having struggled with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma.  His email... Read More
05 Apr 14
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity
New CMR Analysis: Pentagon Cannot Justify Anti-Woman...
Marines "Experimental Task Force" Unlikely to Change Reality    Under orders from the Department of Defense, the Marines have been conducting research on whether it makes sense to assign women to direct ground combat units.  Partial findings released so far indicate that... Read More
18 Mar 14
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Defense Department Issues New Rules on Religious Liberty...
The Department of Defense recently released an  Instruction   (Number 1300.17) to implement a defense bill "conscience clause" to protect religious liberty in the military.  The January 22 directive referenced  Section 533  of the  National Defense Authorization... Read More
28 Jan 14
Tags Congress/Legislation, Conscience Rights & Religious Freedom, Military Culture/Diversity
Boot Camp Lessons Learned Should Suspend Women-in-Combat...
Pentagon civilians and military leaders keep claiming that when women serve in the combat arms, all standards will be "gender-neutral."  Now comes reality, revealed in a new physical fitness test with "gender-neutral" minimum requirements. Read More
24 Jan 14
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Double-Think and Dissembling About Double Standards in...
President  Barack Obama  is pushing hard for women in direct ground combat units, to include  Army  and  Marine infantry  and  Special Operations Forces .  Under Defense Department mandates for "gender diversity," women will be incrementally ordered (not... Read More
14 Nov 13
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Stealth Attack on Draft-Age Women
During the House Armed Services Committee's markup on the National Defense Authorization bill for 2014, committee members would not even consider legislation to preserve young women's exemption from Selective Service registration and a possible future draft.  CMR has prepared this Policy... Read More
30 Jul 13
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon, Women in the Military
Sexual Assaults and Cultural Confusion in the Military's...
You know things are bad when the Chief of Staff of the Army,  General Raymond Odierno , issues a statement to the troops declaring that  "the fight against sexual assault and sexual harassment is our primary mission." [1]   Read More
02 Jun 13
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct
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