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DoD Must Not Tolerate Disenfranchisement of Troops
This article titled  "Complicated process deters soldiers, dependents from voting"  quotes John Fund,  Wall Street Journal  columnist and author of the recent book,  Stealing Elections . Fund expressed concern that the ability of deployed troops and... Read More
16 Oct 08
Dutch Case Suggests Risks Posed by Gays in the Military
An October 15 report from a court in Groningen, The Netherlands, illustrates the elevated risk that open homosexuality would pose to our servicemen and women. According to , several gay men who attended "sex orgies" in that country told a judge that a "three-member gay gang"... Read More
16 Oct 08
Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on CMR Issues
The Center for Military Readiness has prepared a Policy. Analysis on an issue that voters should consider in the 2008 presidential race. It is posted  here. Read More
22 Aug 08
Gays Oppose Medal for General Pace reports that  two homosexual advocacy groups are criticizing  the decision of President  George W. Bush  to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to retired Marine  General Peter Pace  , who served a single term as Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.... Read More
19 Jun 08