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Puerile Prattlers for Gays in the Military
Miss California Carrie Prejean is not the only patriotic, principled American public figure to come under attack from activists for the homosexual agenda. Read More
28 Apr 09
Barney Frank's Sidestep Strategy
An article published in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call last Thursday indicated that the combined voices of more than 1,000 retired Flag & General Officers for the Military are being heard. The article, titled "Frank: Democrats Punting on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Until 2010"... Read More
28 Apr 09
Parsing Colin Powell
Listening to retired Army General Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it is difficult to figure out where the knowledge and experience of the general leaves off and personal political correctness begins. Witness the self-contradictory interview that Gen. Powell recently... Read More
13 Apr 09
Major Media Miss AP Report on Flag & General Officers for...
On March 31 David Crary of the Associated Press covered the release of the  Flag & General Officers for the Military  statement in support of Section 654, Title 10, the law regarding homosexuals in the military. Read More
09 Apr 09
SLDN Calls Names, Can't Count
On Tuesday, 1050 retired general and flag officers  presented a statement  to the White House, Congress and the Pentagon expressing their strong support for Section 654, Title 10, U. S. Code, the law making homosexuals ineligible for military service. This distinguished group of... Read More
04 Apr 09
Appointees, Activists, and Priorities
The Gay and Lesbian Leadership Institute's  "Presidential Leadership Project"  is boasting of 20 appointments that have influence in the Obama Administration, including Mark Pierriello, the Director of Priority Placement, Presidential Personnel. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates will... Read More
13 Mar 09
Commandeering the Commanders?
This article in the San Francisco Chronicle, titled  "Tauscher Renews Effort to Repeal 'Don't Ask,'"  reports on the plans of the San Francisco-area congresswoman, including this: "She also suggested that because the Pentagon is enforcing an act of Congress, Obama order the Pentagon... Read More
12 Mar 09
Congress Will Defeat Tauscher Bill for Gays in the Military
On March 3 Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) re-introduced legislation (H.R. 1283) to repeal the 1993 law,  Section 654, Title 10 , which is commonly mislabeled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." In response, CMR President Elaine Donnelly issued a news release confidently predicting that efforts by liberals... Read More
11 Mar 09
Transgenders in the Military and the Tauscher Repeal Bill
This McLatchy-Tribune newspaper report, titled  "Transgender Vets a Hidden Population,"  highlights the next frontier for cultural change in the military.  In Britain, the Office of the Minister of Defence meets with LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender  groups on a... Read More
10 Mar 09
Pentagon Pressured to Support Gays in the Military
The third item in the  Washington Times'  February 12  "Inside the Ring"  column mentions statements made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the matter of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"---a policy that is constantly confused with the 1993 law stating that homosexuals are not eligible... Read More
17 Feb 09