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Why Is James Mattis Leading Military Officers Opposing...
“Liberal activists are using the critical words of former Secretary of Defense James Mattis in a concerted campaign to replace President Donald J. Trump with former Vice President Joe Biden.  Full-page Sunday newspapers quoting Mattis are running in swing states, raising money to... Read More
12 Oct 20
Tags White House/Pentagon
2020: Choosing the Commander-in-Chief
This article provides the text of ten Republican Party National Platform statements on issues such as women in the infantry, training standards, the All-Volunteer Force (not compulsory national service), “Draft Our Daughters” legislation to include women in Selective Service... Read More
12 Oct 20
Marine Commandant Letting Down Women and the Corps
Is the Commandant of the Marine Corps , General David Berger , insulting the intelligence of Marine women?  It appears so, since he seems to doubt adult women’s abilities to make career and life decisions for themselves. In August General Berger issued yet another... Read More
09 Sep 20
Tags Marine Corps Combat Arms, Military Culture/Diversity, Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Keep “Woke” Ideology Out of the Department of Defense
Imagine this: The streets of Army bases or the decks of Navy ships are painted with large yellow letters saluting the controversial organization, “ Black Lives Matter. ”  At the Army/Navy game, players take a knee instead of saluting the flag. At all the military service... Read More
19 Aug 20
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
Supreme Court Ruling Does Not Make Case for Repeal of...
On June 15, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling that unilaterally enacted controversial legislation to bar employment discrimination on grounds of “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.”   ( Bostok v. Clayton County )  This decision did not... Read More
06 Jul 20
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Judicial/Legal Matters, Military Culture/Diversity
Legal Battle Over Trump/Mattis Transgender Policy: Update #5
Advocates of social causes enjoyed free rein during the Obama Administration , and they are still pressing hard to impose their agenda on the military.  In the summer of 2017, when President Donald Trump announced his intent to review and revise the previous administration’s... Read More
04 Apr 20
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Judicial/Legal Matters
LGBT Activists Promote Fake Pentagon Troop Survey
Perception Management (PM) Tactics in Play Nationwide impositions of transgender ideology, such as boys taking girls’ places on athletic teams and sex-change treatments for gender-confused children , are becoming more extreme and problematic.  During the Obama Administration ,... Read More
04 Mar 20
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Military Culture/Diversity, White House/Pentagon
New Army Combat Fitness Test: 84% of Women Fail
In December 2015, former Defense Secretary Ashton Carter overturned policy and authorized women to serve in direct ground combat ( infantry ) units.  These are the fighting teams that attack the enemy with deliberate offensive action – missions beyond the experience of being... Read More
03 Nov 19
Tags Military Culture/Diversity, Sexual Misconduct, Training Standards & Health
Are Military Social Experiments Increasing Sexual...
The Defense Department’s attempts to reduce sexual assaults in the military have failed.  Annual reports tracking numbers of actual assaults on women and men show that the problem is getting worse every year with no end in sight. Read More
10 Sep 19
Tags Sexual Misconduct, Women in the Military
Unfounded Sex Assault Charges Trending Up in DoD Reports
Air Force Gen. John Hyten , nominated to become Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has become the face of injustice done to military personnel who encounter unproved allegations of sexual assault.  [ Update: On September 27, the Senate confirmed Gen. Hyten to be Vice Chairman... Read More
27 Aug 19
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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