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House Uses Transgender Agenda to Pass Defense Bill
For decades, the legislative process for writing the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has been largely non-partisan, pro-national security, and supportive of the troops.  Not this year.  For the first time, social issues were used to coax votes from anti-defense... Read More
24 Jul 19
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
Military Leaders Should Follow the Commander-in-Chief
President Donald Trump has been working to restore sound priorities that promote military readiness, not demoralizing social agendas that the previous administration pushed to extremes.  Recent news reports suggest, however, that some Defense Department and military officials are not... Read More
16 May 19
Tags White House/Pentagon
The Trump/Mattis Transgender Policy – What Are the Facts?
On March 28, 2019, members of the House of Representatives staged an unserious “debate” about the issue of transgenders in the military.  Ultimately, the members approved HR 124 , a non-binding “ Military Mutiny Resolution ” urging members of the military to... Read More
07 Apr 19
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
Pelosi to Troops: Defy Commander-in-Chief on Transgender...
On March 28, 2019, Democrats in the House of Representatives staged a show of partisan disdain not just for President Donald Trump , but also for former Defense Secretary James Mattis and anyone who supports the Trump/Mattis policy regarding persons who identify as transgender . ... Read More
06 Apr 19
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
Members of Congress Urging Military Leaders to Defy...
More than 100 members of the House of Representatives are joining with Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) in co-sponsoring a resolution demanding that the armed forces disregard policy directives of the Commander-in-Chief .  The stand-alone bill, House... Read More
26 Mar 19
Tags Congress/Legislation, Gays in the Military/LGBT Law
Court Order to “Draft Our Daughters” Caused by...
If parents learn someday soon that their 18-year-old daughters must register with Selective Service for a possible future draft, some may ask, “ Who is responsible for this?” Read More
11 Mar 19
Tags Congress/Legislation, Women in the Military
Trump Administration Wins Appeals Court Ruling on...
Appeals Court Respects Presidential Prerogatives Litigation Update #4. The ongoing campaign to misuse the federal court system to overturn policies regarding transgenders in the military, which President Donald Trump has tried to revise, recently took interesting turns. Read More
20 Jan 19
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Judicial/Legal Matters
Marine Corps Commandant Caves on Co-Ed Basic Training
Marine Corps Commandant General Robert B. Neller , acting without prior notice, recently announced that for the first time in history , a platoon of fifty enlisted female recruits would be housed and trained alongside five male platoons in the 3 rd Training Battalion at the Marines’... Read More
16 Jan 19
Tags Training Standards & Health, Women in the Military
Donnelly Advocates for the “Home of the Brave and Land of...
Should the Congress put an end to Selective Service registration of young men, or require young women to register on an equal basis?  And should the government impose mandatory “national service” requirements on all Americans?  These were among the many questions that... Read More
28 Nov 18
Tags Congress/Legislation, Selective Service Implications
Seattle Subpoena SLAPPs CMR
What if a future federal judge nullified a future president’s orders sending troops to fight overseas – not because the Commander-in-Chief was abusing his constitutional powers, but because his (or her) motives for deploying troops were not politically correct? In view of... Read More
21 Aug 18
Tags Gays in the Military/LGBT Law, Judicial/Legal Matters
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
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