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Issue 58: October 2019
This edition of CMR E-Notes analyzes two aspects of a burning issue -- sexual assaults and unsubstantiated accusations of sexual assaults in the military. Most military and civilian reporters cover the story from the “#MeToo” perspective, but the major CMR articles... Read More
02 Oct 19
Issue 57: June 2019
A .  Pentagon Leadership Defying President Trump and Contributing to Sexual Misconduct As reported in this article, some uniformed and civilian leaders in the Department of the Navy have failed to faithfully implement the Trump/Mattis policy regarding persons identifying as... Read More
12 Jun 19
Issue 56: April 2019
We are sending you two new articles showing how the newly re-empowered Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi plans to push her radical social agenda for the military to unprecedented extremes.   The first describes what happened on March 28, when the House followed Pelosi’s... Read More
12 Apr 19
Issue 55: March 2019
This edition of CMR E-Notes reports on two major issues that should be addressed by the next Secretary of Defense . Developments on the Trump/Mattis transgender policy have been promising.  The Administration has announced that implementation will begin on April 12 , which is very... Read More
14 Mar 19
Issue 54: January 2019
This edition of CMR E-Notes highlights three major reasons why President Donald Trump should nominate a new Secretary of Defense who will review, revise, and revoke social experiments such as co-ed basic training and women in the infantry. The first article below analyzes General... Read More
21 Jan 19
Issue 53: August 2018
This edition of CMR E-Notes provides the latest update on federal judges exceeding their authority by ordering the Trump Administration to continue Obama-era transgender mandates on our military.  It also reports on determined efforts by the LGBT Left to drag CMR into pending lawsuits... Read More
28 Aug 18
Issue 52: July 2018
As we move into the second half of 2018, the constant struggle to maintain and improve readiness, training, and morale in our military is becoming more intense in courtrooms as well as in the Pentagon. This edition of CMR E-Notes provides good news regarding President Donald Trump's... Read More
06 Jul 18
Tags Army Combat Arms, Judicial/Legal Matters, Training Standards & Health, Training, Physiology, & Athletics, Women in the Military
Issue 51: May 2018
This edition of CMR E-Notes presents significant news that will affect the future of our military and the Center for Military Readiness .  President Donald J. Trump has taken the high ground with new policies regarding transgenders in the military.  At the same time, transgender... Read More
03 May 18
Issue 50: March 2018
What Will President Trump Decide on Military Transgender Policy?  This edition of CMR E-Notes focuses on an issue of concern that we have been following for many months:   1.  Undisclosed Recommendations Could Influence Presidential Decision Defense... Read More
20 Mar 18
Issue 49: February 2018
Trump Administration at Crossroads: Why Are Marines Lowering Training Standards?  And When Will the Pentagon Fight Federal Courts Who Want to Run the Military? This edition of CMR E-Notes provides updates on two major issues: Choices that the Trump Administration faces under court... Read More
22 Feb 18
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