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Issue 68: May 2022
This edition of CMR E-Notes spotlights an important issue that we have been following for a long time.  Ever since the Obama Administration decided to assign women to formerly all-male direct ground combat units such as the infantry, the Army has not been able to deliver on repeated... Read More
18 May 22
Issue 67: February 2022
This edition of CMR E-Notes calls out several examples of “woke-ism” in the Department of Defense.  The DoD’s recently released report on Extremism in the Armed Forces , for example, is skewed by leftist political forces who label any expression of dissent as... Read More
18 Feb 22
Issue 66: January 2022
This edition of CMR E-Notes reports the huge challenges that lie ahead.  This year, CMR intends to challenge lawmakers, candidates, and policy makers to endorse and pursue sound policies that will strengthen our military instead of weakening it.  Going on the offensive, CMR has... Read More
27 Jan 22
Issue 65: June 2021
This edition of CMR E-Notes highlights news about major issues of concern to CMR for many years, and latest developments in the hottest issue going: critical race theory instructions and indoctrination in the military.  CRT programs divide and demoralize participants with... Read More
30 Jun 21
Issue 64: February 2021
This edition of CMR E-Notes reports on and analyzes only some of the harmful things that are being done to our military by the newly inaugurated administration of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris .  From irresponsible executive orders reversing sound policies, to mandatory... Read More
24 Feb 21
Issue 63: October 2020
The 2020 Presidential Election is approaching fast, and issues of concern to CMR are in the news.  Interested observers may have noticed a concerted campaign to attack President Trump on matters of national defense, and to separate him from the troops he leads. This edition of CMR... Read More
16 Oct 20
Issue 62: August 2020
The corona virus crisis continues to prevent public business in the nation's capital, but sometimes a suspension of congressional activity is not a bad thing. Take, for example, legislation to "Draft Our Daughters," which was not taken up, for now.  The articles below report news... Read More
20 Aug 20
Issue 61: May 2020
While the nation focuses on a single issue -- the Coronavirus Crisis -- the nation's Capital in Washington, D.C., is mostly deserted. Still, national defense issues of concern to CMR are not going away. Key votes on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2021 will be coming up... Read More
14 May 20
Issue 60: February 2020
This edition of CMR E-Notes highlights several issues that did not go away during the impeachment ordeal.  There are several developments of concern: House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA) has announced his top priority: legislation allowing transgender... Read More
14 Feb 20
Issue 59: November 2019
Subject: New Army Combat Fitness Test Fails Women and Men The nation’s Capital is somewhat distracted right now, but CMR is keeping a close eye on policy decisions affecting our military.  In the past year we have seen signs of trouble on two main tracks – sexual misconduct... Read More
04 Nov 19
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