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"Thoughtcrime" and National Security
The Tuesday, August 25 announcement of the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate CIA interrogation methods by US Attorney General Eric Holder demonstrates once again the contempt liberals hold for dissent. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid labels town hall attendees "evil mongers."... Read More
27 Aug 09
Sophistry about Submarines
In a July 22, 2009 article, Stars & Stripes newspaper reported some alarming attitudes and perspectives on the issue of women on submarines. (Thanks to the USNA At-Large network for bringing it to our attention): Read More
20 Aug 09
Summer in the Capitol City
President Barack Obama's proclaimed LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) Equality month in June extended into July, causing major liberal media to follow the traveling "Gays in the Military Campaign" (GIMC), led by Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) and his new BFFs at the Human Rights Campaign,... Read More
13 Aug 09
Letdown for the LGBT Left
In an attempt to placate his lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered constituency groups, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation declaring June 2009 to be "LGBT Pride Month." But after a full month of relentless activism and media support, the LGBT Equality Caucus remains frustrated by... Read More
07 Jul 09
Paranoia in the LGBT Left?
Last week, the House Armed Services Committee approved its annual bill authorizing operations and policies for the Defense Department. Despite high frustration among gay activist groups, the Committee approved the 2010 National Defense Authorization bill without any action in support of... Read More
19 Jun 09
New Army Appointment, Polls, but Still Little Support for...
This article in Politico, titled  "Gay Groups Grow Impatient with Obama"  suggests that HASC Ranking Member John McHugh, recently named as the next Secretary of the Army, may be a stealth advocate for gays in the military. The article's key quote: "The Pentagon also has toned down... Read More
11 Jun 09
State Celebrates Gay Culture
State Department Celebrates Gay Baghdad! This article demonstrates what the increasingly gay-friendly State Department is doing to "celebrate" homosexuality in a war zone. Read More
11 Jun 09
Palm Center Trial Balloon Shot Down
There is no question that the Flag/General Officers Statement has made a huge difference at the Pentagon, but before the celebration begins, consider this May 19 article for the Los Angeles Times: Obama in No Hurry to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Carol J. Williams quoted all the usual... Read More
28 May 09
Bad Advice for Barack Obama
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen are scheduled to appear this week before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. In anticipation, the Gays-in-the-Military PR hot air machine has fired up again. The campaign piped down a little... Read More
11 May 09
CMR Blogs on NY Times; Gays Cry Foul on Obama Website...
CMR President Elaine Donnelly contributed to the New York Times' "Room for Debate" blog/op-ed section yesterday on the topic of gays in the military. Her submission appeared along with those of eight others here... Read More
05 May 09