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DoD Plan Would Violate 1993 Eligibility Law and...
In their testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee today, the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should not compromise principle by proposing an unworkable plan to undermine the 1993 law regarding homosexuals in the military ( Section 654, Title 10 ).... Read More
02 Feb 10
Lessons for Backers of Murphy's LGBT Law
The political earthquake that occurred on Tuesday, electing Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown to replace the late Ted Kennedy in the United States Senate, was more than the first election of a Republican senator from that state since 1972. At his victory party Senator-elect Brown drew... Read More
21 Jan 10
Roadmaps for Railroading the Military
Gay activists who are trying to impose their radical agenda on the military are floating several "trial balloon" proposals to get their way despite strong opposition from military leaders and personnel, members of Congress, and the general public. The following are some of the most egregious bad... Read More
18 Jan 10
Activist Groups Dissemble on Mislabeled "RAND Report"
On November 9 the  Boston Globe  and other major media misrepresented a private paper commissioned by the gay-activist Michael D. Palm Center as if it were a genuine research report of the RAND Corporation. This was not a RAND study; it was done by a RAND employee on her own time,... Read More
04 Dec 09
Dangers of Political Correctness in the Military
As Elaine Donnelly wrote in her article featured in "National Review Online Hot" last week, the Army has been making compromises in apparently small matters, such as uniform standards for religious minorities, in order to advance "diversity" as a primary goal.  Read More
16 Nov 09
Sikhs, Muslims, and PC Exemptions Taken to Extremes
Some ironies are more than cruel. On the day that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan approached Fort Hood armed with guns, he may have passed a newsstand selling copies of the November 9 edition of Army Times. On the cover was a photograph of a Sikh soldier wearing a beard, mustache and turban with his... Read More
11 Nov 09
Cogent Commentaries Counter GIMC
In recent weeks several influential, pro-military writers have published excellent articles countering the multi-million dollar Gays in the Military Campaign (GIMC): Read More
23 Oct 09
Unbecoming Conduct of Gay Activist Lt. Daniel Choi
During an appearance on CNN's  "AC 360"  program with Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, October 6, Army National Guard 1st Lt. Daniel Choi aggressively attacked both Elaine Donnelly and more than 1,000 Flag & General Officers for the Military. Lt. Choi, who is fighting a discharge... Read More
12 Oct 09
Administration Sets Back Plans for Missile Defense
The Center for Military Readiness is pleased to join with the leaders of many respected pro-defense groups in expressing concern about current decisions that are weakening our defenses against long- and short-range ballistic missiles. Read More
21 Sep 09
Media Bias on Military Social Issues
CMR has been wondering for some time why it is that the Washington Times, thought to be a conservative newspaper, more often than not covers the gays in the military story from the standpoint of those pushing for repeal of the law. Read More
04 Sep 09
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