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Issue 48: December 2017
Judge Faults Trump Justice Department for Slow Appeal of Her Own Injunction Ordering Military to Recruit Transgenders Read More
13 Dec 17
Issue 47: August 2017
President Trump Supports Troops by Calling for Return to Pre-Obama Policy on Transgenders 1. CMR Confronts Media Misinformation 2. Chairman John McCain Holding Up Army General Counsel Nominee Over “Draft America’s Daughters” Disagreement Read More
17 Aug 17
Issue 46: July 2017
Rep. Vicky Hartzler Moves to Cut Off Funds for Military Transgender Treatments Hartzler Defense Bill Amendment Up for a Vote Today Read More
13 Jul 17
Issue 45: June 2017
Military Readiness or Transgender Mandates: Who is Making Personnel Policy in the Pentagon? Read More
06 Jun 17
Going Into Combat Alongside Kate O’Beirne
Kate O’Beirne , who I was honored to know as a dear friend, succumbed to cancer on April 23, in the presence of her loving family.  Kate was a principled conservative woman with a brilliant mind and quick wit, who kept her friends laughing and her adversaries wondering what... Read More
31 May 17
Issue 44: April 2017
4 Topics:  Marine Corps Under Attack,  CMR Predictions About McCain/Obama Commission Prove True,  Elaine Donnelly speaks at Hillsdale 35 th  Annual Leadership Conference,  CMR Website Redesign: Work in Progress. Read More
18 Apr 17
Issue 43C: September 2016
It is the 11 th Hour - Do you Know If Your U.S. Senator Will Vote to "Draft America's Daughters?" Read More
22 Sep 16
Don’t Draft Our Daughters: What Are The Facts?
The Issue is National Security, Not “Equality”   Purpose:  The  Selective Service (SS)  system is a relatively low-cost “insurance policy” that backs up the  All-Volunteer Force .  In a future catastrophic emergency, full mobilization... Read More
16 Sep 16
Issue 43B: September 2016
"Don't Draft Our Daughters" ˗ What are the Facts? Read More
16 Sep 16
Issue 43: September 2016
"Don't Draft Our Daughters"    What are the Facts and What Can You Do Read More
02 Sep 16
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