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Marine General Re-Affirms: U.S. Military Should Not...
There is more to say about the testimony of Gen. John Sheehan, USMC (Ret.) who was invited to speak before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 18 in support of the 1993 law stating that homosexuals are not eligible for military service. Read More
19 Apr 10
CMR Press Release: Continued Confusion About 1993...
In response to an announcement by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates regarding the results of a 45-day review of the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy, Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, issued the following statement: Read More
25 Mar 10
Former Marine General Challenges NATO Military Myths
Now that we are about to get a European-style health-care system, do we want a European-style military too? This was the underlying question discussed at a March 18 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on legislation to repeal the 1993 law stating that homosexuals are not eligible to serve in... Read More
22 Mar 10
Former Rep. Eric Massa: Military Record Shows...
The story of recently-resigned Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) is reminding members of Congress why it would be unwise to recruit professed homosexuals and bisexuals for our military. Former Navy Lt. Cmdr. Massa reportedly had a history of inappropriate sexual approaches against male subordinates while... Read More
15 Mar 10
Op-Eds and Commentaries of Interest on Gays in the Military
We appreciate the efforts and support of all commentators who have stepped up to write and speak for active-duty troops whose voices otherwise would not be heard on the issue of gays in the military: Read More
15 Mar 10
Lieberman, Levin Can't Explain Terms of Repeal Legislation
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) has introduced legislation to repeal the 1993 Eligibility Law. His bill, S. 3065, is nearly identical to H.R. 1283, a bill sponsored by Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA). Lieberman has several liberal co-sponsors, but it is significant that he did not get the support of a... Read More
09 Mar 10
More Questions from Congress, and CMR Meets with Pentagon...
Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) conducted a hearing with the two co-chairs of the Pentagon's Comprehensive Review Working Group, DoD General Counsel Jeh Johnson and Army General Carter Ham, and with the DoD Under Secretary for Personnel & Readiness, Clifford L. Stanley. Committee members... Read More
04 Mar 10
Military Secretaries, Chiefs Oppose "Moratorium" on...
In testimony before Congress this week, leaders of the four military services were questioned on their personal and professional views regarding President Barack Obama's plan to repeal the law making homosexuals ineligible for military service. Their answers to questions from congressional... Read More
25 Feb 10
Obama Proposes, Congress Disposes, and the Military Opposes
As with a lot of things coming out of the Obama Administration these days, the more questions that are asked, the worse its ideas look. A month ago, in his State of the Union address, the President said, "This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that... Read More
25 Feb 10
Expert push-back on repeal of gays in military law
A wave of contrary analysis has emerged in opposition to the misguided plan proposed to Congress this week on the issue of gays in the military. On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates revealed a proposal before the Senate Armed Services Committee that would weaken enforcement of existing... Read More
04 Feb 10
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