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Issue 22: April 2011
On Friday, April, 1 the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Personnel conducted the first serious hearing on the issue of homosexuals in the military since 1993. Read More
05 Apr 11
Conservatives for Unity at CPAC
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), coinciding with the Centennial Celebration of Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday, started a re-examination of what it means to be conservative. Read More
01 Mar 11
Issue 18: December 2010
Tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM retired Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis and I will appear on the ABC morning program This Week With Christiane Amanpour , opposite R. Clarke Cooper of the Log Cabin Republicans and Tammy Schultz , a professor at the Marine Corps War College .  Former NATO... Read More
04 Dec 10
Pentagon Using "Spin" to Push Gays in Military Goal
Pentagon officials are stepping up a misleading perception management (PM) campaign, trying to rush Congress into passing legislation that would impose a new LGBT Law or policy on our military. Such a law would require full acceptance of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders in all branches... Read More
23 Nov 10
CMR Requests Investigation of Pentagon "Leak" on...
According to the AP and the Washington Post, an unnamed Pentagon source has claimed that the recent Defense Department survey of 400,000 active-duty and reserve troops found that a majority would not object if they are required to accept professed homosexuals in the military following repeal of... Read More
29 Oct 10
Senate Rejects Repeal of Law on Gays in the Military
Last month's vote in the United States Senate frustrated, for now, unremitting efforts of liberals and their LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) allies to impose a radical social experiment on the U. S. military. That men and women whose one and only priority rightly should be defense... Read More
07 Oct 10
Alliance Defense Fund Weighs in with Pentagon Repeal Panel
The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has released submissions it has made to the Pentagon Comprehensive Review Working Group (CRWG), the ad hoc panel charged by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to assess the impact of repeal of the law on gays in the military on the armed forces.  Read More
01 Oct 10
Issue 14: August 2010
On August 10 the Center for Military Readiness and other leaders of the Military Culture Coalition (MCC) , a network of influential groups and individuals that CMR organized in February, announced the results of a comprehensive nationwide poll of 1,000 likely voters that could change the... Read More
20 Aug 10
Military Culture Coalition Poll “Changes Game” in Gays in...
With the release of a new poll commissioned by the Military Culture Coalition, largely undiscussed issues and perspectives in the debate over the attempt to repeal the law on gays in the military have emerged.  Read More
12 Aug 10
Libertarians Should Leave the Military Alone
John Stossel, a Fox News personality and self-proclaimed libertarian, recently wrote a column for Human Events announcing his belief that the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy is "dumb" and that the United States should "repeal" it. Stossel's article and similar comments on "The... Read More
06 Aug 10
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