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Issue 42: July 2016
Republicans Reject Social Engineering, Political Correctness in the Military Read More
28 Jul 16
Issue 41: April 2016
Fox News Reporting: "Rising Threats - Shrinking Military"   Elaine Donnelly Interviewed for Documentary About Damage Done To Our Military     This weekend you will not want to miss a documentary on Fox News Channel... Read More
29 Apr 16
Issue 40: March 2016
Fox News Reporting: "Rising Threats - Shrinking Military"   Elaine Donnelly Interviewed for Documentary About Damage Done To Our Military   Read More
17 Mar 16
Issue 39: February 2016
CMR Statement for the Senate Armed Services Committee: Congress Should Review Results of Research on Women in Combat Read More
20 Feb 16
Issue 38: February 2016
Military/Social Issues Emerging in Presidential Race Read More
19 Feb 16
Women in Ground Combat ˗ Part 8: Definitive Research &...
This compendium of articles and commentaries − Part 8 in a series posted in the SITREP section of the CMR website − provides abundant information, analysis, and expert opinions on women in direct ground combat. Read More
29 Dec 15
Issue 37: May 2015
Military and Civilian Leaders Sign Letter Pressing for Oversight on Women in Direct Ground Combat;   Despite New Allies, House Disappoints in NDAA Markup;  Legends Surround Women in Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Read More
28 May 15
More Research, Opinions on Women in Direct Ground Combat...
This compendium of articles and commentaries − Part 7 in a series posted in the SITREP section of the CMR website − provides more information and expert opinions on women in direct ground combat.  These documents and articles explain why Congress should conduct diligent... Read More
29 Apr 15
Issue 36: April 2015
For many months, your Center for Military Readiness has been tracking, analyzing, and often breaking news on the ongoing military research on the consequences of ordering women to serve in direct ground combat units such as the infantry. This article, which we posted today on Breitbart's... Read More
15 Apr 15
Research, Reality, and More Opinions on Women In the...
This  SITREP - Part 6  provides more information and expert opinions explaining why Congress needs to conduct diligent oversight and to intervene before  President Barack Obama  orders military women into the combat arms by his deadline,  January 2016 . Read More
30 Nov 14
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