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"Chilling Trends" of Military Sexual Assault
Buried in a new Army report about stress and discipline in the ranks, a section titled "Sex Crime Trends" reports that violent attacks and rapes have nearly doubled since 2006, rising from 663 to 1,313 last year. Read More
04 Apr 12
Issue 28: February 2012
Chapter Three: Chronicles of "Diversity" and LGBT Law in the Military Read More
26 Feb 12
Army Pregnancy Training...for Men
On February 9 the Department of Defense announced incremental steps to implement a report advocating doctrinaire "diversity" in the military. Central to this campaign, which briefers described as  "just the beginning, not the end,"  are plans to order female soldiers into direct... Read More
21 Feb 12
Issue 27: January 2012
Chapter Two: Chronicles of the LGBT Law -- The Presidential Election Read More
17 Jan 12
2012 Presidential Candidate Survey Results Released
The  Military Culture Coalition  has released responses to the  MCC  2012 Presidential Candidate Survey , which asked six questions about military social issues such as gays in the military, enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the military, religious... Read More
06 Dec 11
Issue 26: October 2011
Chapter One: Chronicles of the LGBT Law Read More
23 Oct 11
Issue 25: August 2011
A.  Congress Threatens Draconian National Security Budget Cuts B.  Obama, Panetta, and Mullen “Certify” LGBT Law in the Military C.  Congress Approves Helpful Amendments to Defense Bills D.  CMR Analysis of DoD IG Report: White... Read More
20 Aug 11
Santorum v. Paul on National Security and Marriage
The debate leading up to the  Iowa Straw Poll  on Saturday may have changed the outcome.  Attention is focusing on Congresswoman  Michelle Bachmann , who is developing the knack of answering a tough question without conceding the premise.  Read More
14 Aug 11
Issue 24: June 2011
Congress to President: “Not So Fast!” Read More
07 Jun 11
Issue 23: April 2011
Will Congress Slow or Stop Military’s LGBT Law? Read More
21 Apr 11
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