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Issue 30: December 2012
New CMR Website and the Challenges Ahead Read More
09 Dec 12
Feminists Sue for Violence Against Women...In Combat
Liberal, uninformed media commentators are excited about another lawsuit filed by liberal activist groups who are determined to force female soldiers into direct ground combat (infantry) battalions. Read More
28 Nov 12
'Conservative Message Deficiency' Syndrome (CMD)
The first step in solving a problem is to first recognize that it exists. An article in the  Washington Post  titled  The Strategy That Paved a Winning Path  provides insider information and insights that might help conservatives to address problems in the next presidential... Read More
20 Nov 12
Military Voting for "Love of Country"
A pre-election documentary dramatizing Obama's role as Commander-in-Chief, titled  SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden ,  hit an unexpected note of irony that could backfire with military voters.  Aired on National Geographic TV Sunday night (Nov. 4) the film ended with a... Read More
05 Nov 12
Obama Forgets Memorial to Horse Soldiers Near Ground Zero
During the debate on foreign policy on Monday, President Barack Obama talked down to Gov. Mitt Romneyabout "these things called aircraft carriers" and "ships that go underwater."  The political consequences of that condescending, unpresidential comment will become apparent... Read More
23 Oct 12
Defense Secretary Should Get Serious on Sexual Assault
This article, published in the Defense Department's Armed Forces Press Service, reports more hand-wringing about the chronic problem of sexual assault in the military... Read More
28 Sep 12
Sordid Drill Instructor Scandal at Lackland AFB
In an article titled  "Air Force Sex Probe Gets First Trial,"  (July 17),  Wall Street Journal  reporter  Nathan Koppel  described in detail the testimony of female Air Force basic trainees who were assaulted or taken advantage of during a worsening sex scandal... Read More
19 Jul 12
Boy Scouts Retain Scoutmaster Policy
During the rush to repeal the 1993 law regarding homosexuals in the military, mislabeled  "Don't Ask, Don't Tell,"  supporters of the law frequently warned that repeal ultimately would affect civilian organizations, such as schools, churches, and groups like the Boy Scouts.  The... Read More
19 Jul 12
Female Mid and Navy Submarine Chief of Boat Fired
Last February  Navy Times  reported that Master Chief Electronics Technician (SS) David Turley had been fired as Chief of the Boat on the ballistic-missile submarine Nebraska. (See  Navy Times , Feb. 9, 2012, "Top Enlisted Fired Amid Relationship Allegation") The Nebraska was one... Read More
18 Jul 12
Issue 29: May 2012
A. Congress Defends Marriage and Rights of Conscience in the Military; B. Claims of "Success" for LGBT Law Premature At Best; C. "Diversity" Drive for Women in Land Combat; D. President Obama "Outs" Himself in Support of Same-Sex Marriage... Read More
20 May 12
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