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More Op-Eds: Why Women Should Not be Ordered Into the...
This Part Five section of SITREP, together with  Parts 1 through 4  and items posted elsewhere in the Essential Resources Section of this website, provide empirical evidence and respected opinions explaining why the Department of Defense is pursuing an anti-women policy.  There... Read More
03 Mar 14
Issue 32: January 2014
State of the All-Volunteer Force: Women in Land Combat and Rights of Religious Liberty in the Military Read More
31 Jan 14
More Op-Eds: Women Should Not be Ordered Into Direct...
This section includes the "fourth wave" of articles and commentaries that are continuing to question the judgment of Pentagon leaders who are preparing to order women into direct ground combat battalions.  These are the smaller "tip of the spear"  Army  and  Marine Corps... Read More
05 Sep 13
Disorder in the Ranks
The following interview with National Review Online Editor Kathryn Jean Lopez was posted on June 5, 2013. Read More
19 Jul 13
More Op-Eds Cast Doubt on Push to Force Women Into Direct...
This section includes the "third wave" of articles and commentaries that are continuing to question the judgment of Pentagon leaders who are preparing to order "significant cadres" of women into direct ground combat battalions.  These are the smaller "tip of the spear"  Army... Read More
06 Apr 13
153 Women Killed in War on Terror Since the attack on America on  September 11, 2001 ,  a total of 153 women deployed to  Afghanistan,  Iraq, Kuwait , and Syria lost their lives in service to America.  The number includes two women who were... Read More
01 Apr 13
Op-Eds Cast Doubt on Push for Women in Direct Ground...
On January 24, 2013, the Obama Administration set out on a determined, incremental path to impose unprecedented social burdens on our military that will weaken combat capabilities, and will eventually result in  Selective Service  obligations for young civilian women.   Read More
20 Feb 13
Tags Women in the Military
Op-Eds Cast Doubt on Push for Women in Direct Ground...
The ill-advised decision of lame-duck Defense Secretary  Leon Panetta  to set in motion plans to force women into direct ground combat continued to cause controversy in the month of February, 2013.  the  Center for Military Readiness  anticipated that action to move... Read More
20 Feb 13
Elaine Donnelly Interviewed on CNN Newsroom, January 8,...
This interview with CNN Newsroom host  Carol Costello  was scheduled to discuss an AP story on women in land combat that was more accurate and fair than most: Read More
09 Jan 13
Issue 31: January 2013
This edition of CMR E-Notes highlights four issues of concern to the Center for Military Readiness : A.  Questions of Nominee Hagel Should Focus on Defense, Not LGBT Left Intimidation B.  Obama Administration Should Respect Religious Liberty of Military Chaplains... Read More
07 Jan 13
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